Trenches to Glory: How I become successful sports bettor, punter — LegitCalculator reveals

Since the inception of human race, gambling has been in existence. It has really evolved as technology progresses, and we have it in different forms such as lottery games, sport betting, casino games and others.

Eliminating every form of doubts, many have recorded huge successes and can fund their lifestyles through betting. If you are still a ‘doubting Thomas’; meet LegitCalculator.

LegitCalculator is christened AIYELADE MORRISON, he hails from Edo state and he’s undoubtedly a successful punter/sports bettor, statistician and a philanthropist.

JustNewsLine(JNL) gathered that LegitCalculator had maintained a winning streak for a couple of years, and he’s a force to reckon with amongst other online punters. Series of his followers have attested to win a huge amount from his games.

Calculator, as he’s fondly called by his peeps, started sports betting journey in 2014. He told our correspondent that a friend introduced him to it as a means of survival as at that time.

LegitCalculator struggled with sports bet at the initial stage due to his humble background and he lacked adequate funds to stake high on games. He revealed that he recorded huge losses and went 'broke' as at that time.

His tenacity and statistical prowess made him crack a success path to sports betting. He clearly understands how to accumulate odds to his favour and has won millions and still counting from local and international bookies. LegitCalculator posts games/codes freely on Twitter with huge success rates from bettors across the universe.

LegitCalculator is a unique Twitter punter/influencer (with over 90k followers) as he preaches responsible gambling. He told our correspondent; “everyone trying to be successful in sports betting should never give up, avoid betting every day or all the time, be patient, have a plan and most importantly do not take loans or borrow to bet.”